Happy Monday, my friend,
I know a couple of women who've recently lost their husbands and have been sharing their journey through social media. Each time I read their messages, I'm touched and all kinds of thoughts start up in my head.
Why? Well, their stories hit close to home - they're about my age and have kids around the same age as my daughter. And in their messages, they talk about real life and how they're dealing with this next chapter.
Also, both women talk about the strength that they receive from their faith and their families. While most days are okay, they share the hard days too, when life feels unfair and they feel far from God.
Maybe you can relate. Or can empathize because you think about your mother who bears this cross, or that one day you may have to bear it too.
Another thing that comes up regularly when I read their messages is how grateful I am for the small door rosary that helped me reconnect with God many years ago. (see it below in a photo with my daughter) By my seeing it every day, the Holy Spirit had to be breathing on the embers in my heart, guiding me to begin a journey to a

deeper understanding of my beliefs and my faith in the Lord. I don't like to think about where I'd be right now had I not begun that journey.
And that's why I love sharing Knots of Grace with you and others. These reminders of God's presence—His love, protection, and grace—can truly make a difference in our lives. Because if including God in even a small part of your day makes it better - whether through these simple knots or in other ways - I am filled with joy.🥹
With all of this, are you ready to watch this week’s Hug inspirational video? It's a good one! To watch, just scroll down and watch the approximately 7 minute video and read the devotion while you watch!
After watching, please take some time to reflect on the message with the Lord. Feel His presence and enjoy the time you spend with Him.
Learn more about the In Memory of Door Rosary featured in today's video by clicking here. Let this door rosary be a daily reminder of your love for Jesus and your loved ones. Reflect on the immense worth of your life, gifted by Jesus's sacrifice for us all. This rosary also makes a beautiful gift, honoring those who have journeyed to their eternal home.
Until next time, may God's peace be with you!
P.S. Happy Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena!
When God Seems Far Away
The Lord is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you. - 2 Chronicles 15:2
If God is everywhere, why does He sometimes seem far away? The answer to that question, of course, has nothing to do with God and everything to do with us.
When we begin each day by thanking God for another day of life, the Creator often seems near indeed. But if we allow ourselves to become so busy that we ignore God's presence or worse yet-rebel against it, the world in which we live becomes spiritually desolate.
In whatever condition you happen to find yourself-_happy or sad, victorious or vanquished, troubled or triumphant celebrate God's presence and be comforted. He is never far away. In fact, He is right here, right now. And He wants to help you.
“God walks with us. He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is here.” - Gloria Gaither
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
-- Invite others to watch this week's message by sharing this image (below) on your favorite social media platform! Thank you! --
April 2024 Themes, Intentions & Devotions:
The Pope's Intention for April 2024: The Role of Women
April's Devotion: The Blessed Sacrament
April's Virtue: Patience
Knots of Grace's April Theme: Encouragement
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