Your Weekly Inspiration 12.13.2021 🤗

Start Monday with an inspirational message that can help guide you through the rest of your week! 

After the short video message, we encourage you to take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.  

Blessings to you as you prepare for the week ahead!


Claiming the Joy

- Excerpt from Hugs, Daily Inspirations for Women

Rejoice evermore ... In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God. -  1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18

Joni Eareckson Tada spoke for Christian women of every generation when she observed, "I wanted the deepest part of me to vibrate with that ancient yet familiar longing ---- that desire for something that would fill and overflow my soul."

God's plan for our lives includes great joy, but our heavenly Father will not force His joy upon us. We must accept His peace on our own --- no one can accept it for us.

Today let's claim the joy God has provided for us by praising the Creator for the gift of life. Then let's share His love and His joy. When we do, we'll be blessed, and so will our families, our friends, and all whom God has chose to place along our paths.  
"Every morning is a fresh opportunity to find God's extraordinary joy in the most ordinary of places." - Janet L. Weaver


Learn more about these Knots of Grace products by visiting our "As seen on Your Weekly Inspiration" page:  Handcrafted Crucifix Wall Rosary & Be Still and Know Wall Rosary Hanger


Wall Rosary; Wood Rosary; Knots of Grace

Be Still and Know; Rosary Hanger; Rosary Holder; Towel Hook; Knots of Grace

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