Your Weekly Inspiration ☀️ 06.28.2021

Start Monday with an inspirational message that can help guide you through the rest of your week!

After the short video message, we encourage you to take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.  

Blessings to you as you prepare for the week ahead!


Asking and Receiving

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. - Luke 11:9


Sometimes, amid the demands and the frustrations of daily life, we forget to slow down long enough to talk with God.  Instead of turning our thought sand prayers to Him, we rely entirely on our own resources, with decidedly mixed results.  Or, instead of praying for strength, we seek to manufacture it within ourselves, only to find that lasting strength remains elusive. 

Are you in need?  Ask God to sustain you.  And while you're making requests, don't be afraid to ask for the loving support of your family and friends.  When you ask for help, you're likely to receive it.  But if you're unwilling to ask, why should you expect to receive any?

When the going gets tough, remember that help is on the way.  All you have to do is ask.

"God will help us become the people we are meant to be, if only we will ask Him." - Hannah Whitall Smith
- Excerpt from Hugs, Daily Inspirations for Women


Learn more about the door rosary hanging behind Kathleen, by clicking here.

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