Who Do You Say That I Am? and a loving embrace

Some weeks mass is just mass.  I'm glad I attended (virtually now), but nothing really stood out.  But this week, two things stood out for me during and after this past Sunday’s mass. 
First, the question Jesus asked of Peter and the disciples, "Who Do You Say That I Am?” It’s a verse that always makes me step back and think about my own answer.  I ask myself if I would I answer like Peter or like the other disciples.  
Second, was a prayer from Pope Francis that one of our deacons recited.  
"Lord, I have let myself be deceived; in a thousand ways I have shunned your love, yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant with You.
I need You.
Save me once again.
Lord take me once more into your redeeming embrace.”
The message made me pause, mostly because it's true, I have shunned Jesus many times, both knowingly and unknowingly.  But also because of it's beauty and simplicity.  It speaks of the relationship each of us have with our Lord - one of parent and child - one of unending forgiveness and support.  And for me, I can always be reminded that I'm loved and forgiven.
Though I really like the prayer, the words weren't "me".  So I took the prayer and slightly rephrased with my own words, so I could remember it better and so Jesus knows it’s me talking to him.  (Not that he doesn't know it's me 😜 )  Here's what I came up with:
"Lord, I have let myself be deceived; so many times and in so many ways I have shunned you, but here I am again, to renew my promise with You.
I need You.
Save me again.  Please rescue and forgive me.
And hold me again in your loving arms.”
Have you ever pondered the question, "Who do you think that I am?"  What have you come up with?
And if the Pope's prayer speaks to your heart like it did mine, I’ve created a couple downloads for you to enjoy.  They can be used as smartphone wallpaper or you could print and hang it on your mirror so you can say it first thing in the morning or as you’re preparing for bed.  
To download, right-click one of the images below and select "Save Image as" then follow the prompts!  
And if you feel so inclined, please share this article with your friends so they too can receive & say Pope Francis' prayer.
Sending you blessings and love,

Pope Francis' Prayer of Renewal


Pope Francis Prayer of Renewal

Pope Francis Prayer of Renewal

(Kathleen's rephrased version)

Pope Francis Prayer of Renewal

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