5 Ways to Repurpose Your Single Decade Rosary

Many years ago I watched Alton Brown on Good Eats say that he only likes to buy products that served multiple purposes.  Since then, and definitely as I get older, I find that I like to do the same when making my own purchases.  I figure, why not repurpose & get the full use from something I own!  

And because sometimes I confuse the 3 words from this phrase, "Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle", I looked up the definition of repurpose and here's what it said, "adapt for use in a different purpose".  That's part of what we do with our Repurposed Rosaries ... We recycle broken, vintage, full rosaries and adapt them so they can continue to be loved and used as Pocket Rosaries.  But I digress ... this article isn't about our Repurposed Rosaries, it's about using your single decade rosary in different ways.

Now before you click away, please know that I'm NOT suggesting you use your rosary for anything other than positive and helpful purposes.  The rosary is a sacred prayer and I honor it.  All I am recommending are 5 intentional, positive, and helpful ways to repurpose your Knots of Grace Single Decade Rosary and receive additional value from it.  So, let's get to repurposing!

1) Meditate. 

The rosary prayer is used in meditation by many people and you certainly can use it that way too.  But what about using the knots/beads of your single decade rosary Serenity Pocket Rosary Knots of Graceto meditate - "counting" the times you breathe in and out?

Imagine this: You're seated in a quiet place, holding your Serenity Prayer Pocket Rosary in your hands.  (Are you with me?)  Now, hold knot #1 between your thumb and index finger and breathe in for 3 seconds through your nose, hold for 3 seconds, & then breath out for 3 seconds through your mouth.  Next, move your thumb and index finger to hold knot #2, and do the same breathing, in through your nose, hold, then out through your mouth.  Continue on knots #3-10.  Finally, once you get to the center (largest) knot, you either recite the Serenity Prayer (printed on the cross itself) or thank God for this short amount of peace during your otherwise hectic day.

2) Create A To Do List. 

Simply Effortless Pocket Rosary Knots of GraceIf you're like me, you've written your To Do list in your planner, on a piece of paper, or typed it into your phone, but sometimes you just need to commit it to memory because you aren't able to carry your planner with you all the time (it's just too big).  

So why not use your Simply Effortless Pocket Rosary to help  remember your To Dos for the day.   One way to commit something to memory is to combine something tangible with something visible and/or audible.  In this example, it's combing all three!

First, similarly to how we started our meditation above, hold your pocket rosary in your hands.  Then hold knot #1 between your thumb and index finger and say out loud the 1st thing you want to accomplish today.  Then keep going using knots #2-10, holding each one and saying out loud what you want to accomplish. Now, during the day, you just need to touch/hold that knot and you should be reminded of what you want to complete.  At the end of the day, if it was a productive one, when you get to the center (largest) knot, give yourself a pat on the back for completing all your To Dos and thank God for his help in accomplishing them.
What if you don't have 10 things to get done today?  That's great news!  Now it will be even easier to remember your tasks using your rosary knots.

3) Say A Full Rosary. 

When you received your Knots of Grace Pocket Rosary, you should have received a "How to Pray a One Decade Rosary" card. But did you know that you can also say a full rosary with your single decade rosary?  Here's a quick overview: 

  • While holding the cross:
    • Make Sign of the Cross and pray the Apostle’s Creed
    • Pray the Our Father
    • Pray 3 Hail Marys & 1 Glory Be
  • Announce the 1st Mystery & Pray 1 Our Father
  • While holding each of the 10 knots/beads, Pray 10 Hail Marys & when you get the 11th knot/bead, Pray 1 Glory Be
  • Repeat the previous 2 steps for the remaining 4 Mysteries
  • Finally, once you've completed the 5 Mysteries, Pray 1 Hail Holy Queen

4) Hang It By Your Desk at Work. 

The Door Rosary was specifically designed to be hung either on a door or a wall, so it would make sense to also hang it at work.  But, what if you work somewhere that having a 12-14 inch rosary hanging on your wall wouldn't be received well?  (As much as I don't like to say this, being in Human Resources for 20+ years, I know that some work environments are more accepting of religious displays than others.) 

So instead, when you arrive at work, remove your much smaller Opalescent Clear Crystal Pocket Rosary from your pocket and hang it in your workspace.  Or you have another Pocket Rosary just for the office so you keep your Opalescent Clear Crystal Pocket Rosary in your pocket.  Either way, you have the grace of the Rosary with you all day, including at work.

5) Thank God For 10 People iIn Your Life.  

Olive Wood Door Rosary Knots of GraceWhile sitting at home, take your Simple Treasures Olive Wood Door Rosary off the door handle, sit in a quiet place holding your Door Rosary in your hands.  (Remember from our 1st example?)

Hold knot #1 between your thumb and index finger and say, "Thank You God for (insert name here)".  Move to knots #2-10 and repeat for the next person(s) you want to thank God for.  Finally, when you reach get the center (largest) knot, say, "Thank You God for the gifts you've given me including the people you've blessed me to know and love. Amen."


These are just 5 ways to repurpose your single decade rosary that can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or just when you remember.  I hope this gets you thinking of various, positive ways you can repurpose your Knots of Grace rosary & get the most from it!

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