07.17.2023 - Your Weekly Hug - Positive Inspiration for Your Week

Hello! Welcome to Your Weekly Hug!

Today, I invite you to spend the next ~4.5 minutes with me to hear a special inspirational message from the Hugs devotional. It's here to inspire and help guide you through the rest of your week!

And after the video finishes, you’re invited to take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.

If you'd like to learn more about the Door Rosary that is hanging on the doorknob behind Kathleen in the video, click here.

May Christ's peace be with you as you prepare for the week ahead! Please know I'm praying for you!


Good Pressure, Bad Pressure

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” - Proverbs 13:20

Our world is filled with pressures: some good, some bad. The pressures we feel to behave responsibly are positive ones. God places these pressures on our hearts, and He intends that we act according to them. But we also face different pressures, ones that are not from God.

Society seeks to mold us into more worldly beings; God seeks to mold us into new beings, more spiritual beings, beings that are not conformed to this world. 

If we desire to lead responsible lives and if we seek to please God - we must resist the pressures some people seek to impose upon us. We must resist the temptation to do the popular thing - what others think we should do or what other people are doing and insist instead on doing the right thing.

Finding wise friends will help you stay the course.

"Be decent and fair. But ultimately you have to know how to get the work done, whether or not people like you for it." - Sally Field

Mother Mary, Pray for Us!


Knots of Grace Blog Good Pressure


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Thank you! :)


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Music in the Video: "He Said Good Things" by Headlund from Epidemic Sound

#dailyblessings #thanksbetogod #mondaymotivation #hugs #catholicmom #positivevibesonly #whyknotsblog #knotsofgrace #walkwithkathleen


  • Anonymous

    Char, agreed. Take care!

  • Char

    Each day we are anew

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