Springtime day dreaming

"Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer." - Anita Krizzan

Spring is here as of last week and we had some wonderful weather to kick off the season's change. Now we're in and out of rain, but I know the warmth will return soon enough. (And then I'll comment that I want some cooler weather - haha!)

The dogwood blooms in this photo reminded me of the last time I attended the Dogwood Festival in midtown Atlanta. This year's event has been postponed, naturally, but I can still daydream about warmer weather and spending time in the open park.

It also reminds me that we'll be missing our family vacation this Spring - we were planning to visit Washington DC with our daughter and experience the cherry blossoms in full bloom. But we'll enjoy a staycation instead and enjoy the cherry blossoms in the neighborhood instead.

I pray for blessings & warmth in your part of the world. And day dreams. Please be safe and take care of yourself.

Until next time...

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