Your Weekly Hug - Positive Inspiration for April 11th 😊

Welcome to Your Weekly Hug!

In this week's Hug, Kathleen Borsh from shares a special inspirational message from the Hugs devotional that is sure to help set your week off on a positive note!

We invite you to take these short 3.5+ minutes to hear the message. Then once it ends, please take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.

Blessings to you as you prepare for the week ahead!

*** Watch this first in our VIP Facebook group at 7am ET each Monday! Click here to join




"Peace to the far-off, peace to the near-at-hand,” says God — “and yes, I will heal them." 

- Isaiah 57:19

Some of our most important dreams are the ones we abandon. Some of our most important goals are the ones we don’t attain. Sometimes our most important journeys are the ones we take to the winding conclusion of what seem to be dead-end streets. Thankful, with God there are not dead ends; there are only opportunities to learn, to yield, to trust, to serve, and to grow.

The next time you experience one of life’s inevitable disappointments, don’t despair — and don’t be afraid to try plan B. Consider every setback an opportunity to choose a new path. And as you take your next step, remember that what looks to you like a dead end may, in fact, be the fast lane according to God.

“The difference between winning and losing is how we choose to react to disappointment.” 

- Barbara Johnson

Learn more about the Knots of Grace products in the video by visiting our "As seen on Your Weekly Inspiration" page.
I have called you by name Comfort Knots





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