Your Weekly Hug 03.07.2022 🤗

Welcome to Your Monday Hug!
In this week's Hug, Kathleen Borsh from shares a special inspirational message from the Hugs devotional that is sure to help set your week off on a positive note!
We invite you to take these short 3.5 minutes to hear the message. Then once it ends, please take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.
Blessings to you as you prepare for the week ahead!

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The Time for Action

A good person’s words will help many others.
- Proverbs 10:21
One way we can give “emotional hugs” to our loved ones is by sharing words of encouragement and hope. Hope, like other human emotions, is contagious. In fact, hope is highly contagious - as is its opposite.
When we associate with hope-filled friends and family members, we are encouraged by their faith and optimism. But if we spend too much time in the company of naysayers and pessimists, our attitudes, like theirs, tend to be come cynical and negative.
Today look for reasons to celebrate God’s endless blessings. And while you’re at it, look for people who will join you in the celebration. You’ll be better for their company, and they’ll be better for yours.
“Don’t forget that a single sentence, spoken at the right moment, can change somebody’s whole perspective on life. A little encouragement can go a long, long way.”
- Marie T. Freeman


Learn more about the Knots of Grace products in the video by visiting our "As seen on Your Weekly Inspiration" page.




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