Your Weekly Inspiration 😌 12.27.2021

Start Monday with an inspirational message that can help guide you through the rest of your week! 

After the short video message, we encourage you to take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on what you heard.  

Blessings to you as you prepare for the week ahead!


Discovering and Rediscovering Contentement

- Excerpt from Hugs, Daily Inspirations for Women

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. - Philippians 4:11

When we conduct ourselves in ways that are opposed to God's way, we rob ourselves of His peace. When we fall prey to the temptations and distractions of our irreverent age, we rob ourselves of God's blessings. When we become preoccupied with material possessions or personal status, we forfeit the contentment that is rightfully ours.

Where we can find the kind of contentment that apostle Paul described in Philippians 4:11? Is it a result of wealth or power or fame? Hardly. Genuine contentment is a gift from God to those who follow Him. It is a give that must be discovered and rediscovered throughout life. And it's a gift we claim when we allow God to dwell at the center of our lives. 

"When you accept rather than fight your circumstances, even though you don't understand them, you open your heart's gate to God's love, peace, joy, and contentment." - Amy Charmichael


Learn more about the Knots of Grace products in the video by visiting our "As seen on Your Weekly Inspiration" page.


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